The Future for Portpatrick
Bowling and tennis club
Our Mission
To Build Our Membership
To Provide For Community Needs
Following a review by the club committee, we are calling on local groups asking you to get in touch. To tell us how we can contribute more to the provision of local needs as well as the healthy sport of bowls and Tennis
Our Existing Club House
The Club Committee recognizes its responsibility to the community
The club house is under used at the moment. By working together we can deliver improvements for better community use?
Culture and Sport Centre Development
As owners of the Bowls green, Club House, Tennins Court and some of the land accupied by the village Hall, We welcome constructive suggestions how the facility can be improved for wider community use
- Lets encourage investment into Portpatrick
- Lets Develop a much needed Centre for the Community
- Lets work together to deliver