Portpatrick Bowling Club

Mobile Phone Policy


The aim of the Mobile Phone Policy is to promote safe and appropriate practice through establishing clear acceptable use through guidelines.


This policy applies to Portpatrick Bowling Club members and relates directly to the appropriate codes of conduct.


It is the responsibility of the players / coaches / volunteers / parents and carers to adhere to the guidelines outlined in this document.

If under 18:

The parent/carer should give the child permission to have a phone at club sessions and understand that their child will be responsible for ensuring that the mobile phone is used appropriately and correctly while under the club’s supervision.

Policy Statement:

It is recognised that smartphones contain a wide variety of functions which can be susceptible to misuse. Misuse includes taking and distribution of indecent images, exploitation and bullying. Misuse of smartphones can cause distress to individuals, impact on self-confidence and mental well-being, as well as impact on privacy and right to confidentiality. Such concerns are not exclusive to children and young people. It is appreciated that it can be very difficult to detect when smartphones are being used, particularly in relation to additional functions. The use of all mobile phones is therefore limited, regardless of their capabilities. There are ‘mobile phone free’ areas within the club setting. These are areas that are the most vulnerable and sensitive:

  • Changing Rooms
  • Toilets
  • Showers

There is a zero-tolerance policy in place with regards to use of mobile phones by any individual in these areas.

Inappropriate Use:

The following are examples of inappropriate use; this is not an exhaustive list. Members using their mobile phone to:

  • using vulgar, derogatory or obscene language while using a mobile phone
  • engage in personal attacks
  • harass other people
  • posting/sharing private information about others using SMS messages/social media
  • taking/sending photos without the consent of the subject/recipient, or which are indecent or otherwise inappropriate
  • phone calls that include elements of the above

Consequences due to Inappropriate Use:

Breaches of the Acceptable Use of Mobile Phone Policy will be dealt with in accordance with the club’s disciplinary procedures and depending on the nature of the breach may be subject to criminal proceedings.

I understand that if I do not follow the Acceptable Use of Mobile Phone Policy, any/all of the following actions may be taken by my club and/or Bowls Scotland:

  • Be required to apologise formally
  • Receive a warning; verbal or written
  • Be dropped or substituted
  • Suspended by the club
  • Be required to leave the club
  • Forbidden to take my mobile phone or other portable device to bowling
  • Be required to have my continued participation in club activities supervised by my parents/carers
  • Be required to sign up to a behaviour management plan
  • Serious breaches depending on the nature of the incident may have to be reported to the police


I have read and understand the above information and appropriate use of mobile phones within Portpatrick Bowling Club / club sessions / events. I understand that this form will be kept on file and that the details may be used (and shared with a third party, if necessary) to assist identifying a phone should the need arise (e.g. if lost, or if the phone is being used inappropriately).